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Client: J.Faria & Filhos, Lda

The client launched a new Madeira Rum in 2015, specifically tailored to the traditional drink, PONCHA, with the aim of appealing to a younger audience who frequent bars, nightclubs and enjoy the beverage.

The design concept for the product was inspired by the brand name, LIDO, which refers to a beach in Madeira, and the renowned French burlesque show on Champs-Élysées.

To ensure the label would catch the eye on bar shelves and under disco lights, the design showcased a strong image of a woman in a bathing suit set against a black and white striped background. The color palette of the label was also carefully chosen to be highly contrasting, resulting in a striking and memorable visual impact.

The marketing campaign for the rum launch emphasised the idea of having fun, and included a party at a popular bar in Funchal that showcased the full range of Poncha flavours. Additionally, a Spotify playlist was created and could be easily accessed by scanning a QR code printed on the back label of the product, allowing consumers to quickly download encouraging people to dance and enjoy the drink.

We approached this project comprehensively, considering the brand in its entirety and all of its touch-points with the client. Creating such an impactful brand was an incredibly fulfilling experience.

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